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Window Treatments for Most Home Interiors

Windows have always had that ability to become a focal point of many home interiors whether directly or indirectly, because of their function to radiate light and create warmth and transparency. It’s important not to limit these portals of imagination to something that must be “covered”- curtains and window treatments should allow the window to interact with the room besides simply performing a function.Windows can really define a room if utilized properly, but that may not be your intended result. Effectively using window treatments to tone down the source of distraction and compliment the interior of the room. Again, this is done by creating interactions between room elements even after the sun has gone down.ModernClean lines are well represented in the realm of modern window treatments. Venetian blinds, solid undecorated sheers, and boldly printed or monochromatic curtains are some great trends in contemporary design. Ample sunlight always compliments the clean look of modern home interiors so there is no need to be shy of natural light. Avoiding valances and utilizing crisp modern fabrics is a great start for contemporary window treatments.TraditionalTraditional treatments can range from long, draping curtains to vertical slats. It’s mostly a matter of personal taste. They are often tied to the sides but can operate on horizontal sliders or be pulled straight up. Traditional styles may also encompass prints, usually floral and understated. Sheers and heavy fabrics may be combined or used separately, but often traditional styles blend usability with decoration in a very versatile way.MinimalThe best minimalist window treatment is no treatment at all! Unfortunately, not all of us live in an area where we feel comfortable bearing it all and we must provide some sort of boundaries to prevent our home lives from being public peek-shows. This can be done by utilizing untraditional materials such as colored glass, recycled plastics, or luxury textiles. Colorful panes can interact with the light, or a solid block of sheer fabric can produce a very understated window effect.CountryIt seems that country homes get to have the most fun with varied textures and prints. Bold colorful organic designs are great for playful atmospheres, while plaids and checkers can really bring you back home. Ruffles, fringes, and lace can all be used to really dress up a window for a bold classic look. Humble country windows are often light and airy, perfect for a warm summer day.VictorianVictorian window shades are often made of bold, medium to heavy weight material. Laces, tassels, and other various forms of ornamentation often adorn stately valances and flowing drapes. Scalloped sheer fabrics and sometimes lace are common. The trend seems to be that the focal point is the window treatments, not the windows. Alternatively, another beautiful Victorian look requires scrapping the blinds and instead using mosaic stained windows.The wrong windows can be a detriment to home interiors but with customization and creativity they can become another strong accent to your personal style. Window treatments should accent the architectural structure of the window but can also be used to create the illusion of a more interesting shape. Besides being a picture view of the world outside, windows can be essential canvases for expression.